kids farmers market

What is a Kids’ Farmers Market?

The Kids’ Farmers Market are a no-cost market with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for children!

The overall goals of the Kids’ Farmers Market are to:
• Increase children’s exposure to fresh fruits and vegetables and create an awareness of the importance of eating these foods.
• Encourage long-term nutritious eating patterns.
• Create new and fun opportunities for learning about fruits and vegetables (including taste tests and recipes).
• Give children the confidence to try unfamiliar foods.
• Promote a better understanding of how gardening/ agriculture produces the healthy foods we eat.
• Provide an opportunity for children to take fruits and vegetables home to share with their families.

The program is a partnership between the S-VE Community Food Cupboard and the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. For more info, please check out the Food Banks website 2024 Kids' Farmers Markets (