Field Trip

Spencer-Van Etten Central School District ninth-grade students recently participated in a field trip designed to introduce them to career and educational opportunities beyond high school.

During the trip, students visited the Greater Southern Tier BOCES campus, where they toured six different Career and Technical Education (CTE) classrooms. These programs provide hands-on learning experiences in a variety of fields, allowing students to explore potential career pathways.

Following their visit to BOCES, students traveled to Corning Community College (CCC), where they took a guided tour of the campus, had lunch, and attended a presentation and show in the digital dome. This portion of the trip allowed students to familiarize themselves with a college setting and learn more about available academic programs.

“This field trip allows students to see firsthand the range of opportunities available to them, whether they choose to pursue higher education, technical training, or enter the workforce,” said Superintendent Barbara Case.

This trip aligns with the district’s commitment to ensuring students are aware of the many pathways available to them after graduation. Providing exposure to both career-focused and college-based learning environments helps students make meaningful connections between their education and future goals.

Field Trip