Dear SVE Community,

As we enter the fall and winter months, indoor activities are increasing, and we are beginning to see a rise in respiratory illnesses among children and adults. To help prevent further spread of these illnesses within our school community, we ask that families and staff follow the guidelines below. Should you need COVID tests, please contact your school nurse or email Thank you for working together to keep our school community healthy and safe!

Safety Guidelines

Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot: Core Prevention Strategies

  1. Immunizations: Keep up to date with flu shots, COVID-19 vaccines, and other relevant immunizations to protect against severe illness.

  2. Hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your face, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing.

  3. Steps for Cleaner Air: Ensure proper ventilation indoors by opening windows when possible or using air purifiers to reduce airborne viruses.

  4. Treatment: Follow appropriate treatment protocols if you or your child is sick. Consult with healthcare providers as needed.

  5. Stay Home and Prevent Spread: If you or your child is sick, stay home until your symptoms are improving and you are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.

Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot: Additional Prevention Strategies

  1. Masks: Consider wearing masks, especially in crowded indoor settings, to reduce the risk of respiratory virus transmission.

  2. Distancing: Maintain physical distancing when possible, particularly in areas where respiratory viruses are circulating.

  3. Tests: If you have been exposed to someone with a respiratory illness or are showing symptoms, take a COVID-19 test or other relevant diagnostic tests.

Stay Home Until:

  • Your symptoms are improving

  • You are fever-free (without medication) for 24 hours

Then, take added precautions for the next 5 days.

When to Layer Prevention Strategies:

  • Respiratory viruses are causing widespread illness in your area

  • You or those around you have risk factors for severe illness

  • You or those around you have been recently exposed, are sick, or are recovering

By following these core and additional strategies, we can work together to keep our community healthy and reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses throughout the fall and winter seasons.